Local florist creates kits to 'Remember Fiesta'

Local florist creates kits to 'Remember Fiesta'

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SAN ANTONIO — Flower kits with virtual workshop are designed to give San Antonians something Fiesta-related to do while social distancing.

“To help people remember fiesta and, y’know, they would normally be celebrating it this week,” said Amanda Blissit, Owner Blume House. “People really looked forward to going to Taste of the Northside or the concerts or the parades, and none of that’s happening right now. So there’s a huge void.”

Along with the fiesta-inspired flowers and a vase, this kit includes a bag of Mexican rock candy, and a little something extra.

“We’ve made a small partnership with the local bartending company 'Bartenders4You' and you can choose to add one of their famous margarita mixes, so it turns your fiesta workshop into a fiesta party,” Blisset said.

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